Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 7

Welcome to week seven! This week’s theme is: Health Week.

For those who missed picture day or are unhappy with their child’s picture, picture make-up day will be this Friday, October 5th.  Your students should have brought home a picture make-up order form.  If your student needs a new form please email your child’s teacher.

Last week, our school was filmed for the Fox 13 News “Cool School of the Week.” This was a very exciting chance for us to show off our school.  If you would like to watch the “Cool School of the Week” segments featuring our school, they can be found here.

From October to March, the Second Grade will be participating in the Book It! Program. This reading program allows students to earn free pizza for meeting monthly reading goals.  The goal for second grade will be to read at least 20 minutes a day.  Each student will be provided with a tracker to track their own reading minutes.  At the end of the month, the student will return their tracker to school.  If your student has met his/her goal they will receive a certificate for a free Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut.

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working on their student directed art projects using mediums such as collage, pastels, paper construction, and water color.

ASL:  Students will be learning to sign the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dance: Students will continue their study of patterns of movement. 

Health:Students will continue their study of the food groups and healthy eating.

Math:Students will be learning about time.  You can help your child study time at home by practicing counting by fives.

Music: Rhythm and music genres

PE: Students are working on their Presidential Fitness by running or walking laps of our school. Second Grade has already run 100 miles this school year! We hope to make it to 200 miles by Thanksgiving.

Reading: Large Group Phonics: Short e Digraph, Small Group Phonics: Long Vowels (I, u), Shared Reading: Nature Walk “Exploring Parks with Ranger Dockett,” Guided Reading by leveled groups
Centers (SSR, iPods, Computers, Partner reading)

Science: Students will continue their study of the human body and germs.

Social Studies: Students will begin their study of Utah.

Spanish: Students will continue their study of the colors.

Writing: Students will be learning the penmanship of lowercase a, d, and g. Students will continue their study of PENSMARK, a self-regulating strategy developed to teach sentence fundamentals: capital letters, end marks, making sense, simple sentence formulas, and subject and verb identification.  During composition time students will be working on final drafts of their second narrative story.

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