Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 9

Welcome to week nine! This week’s theme is: Poetry Week

Your students will be checking out their first library books this week! Please ensure that your student returns their books to school on their library day so they can check out new books (some students chose to keep their books at school).  Mrs. Piacenti's class goes to library on Monday and Mrs. Slade's class goes to library on Tuesday.

We are in need of volunteers!  The second grade needs parents who are willing to come in during our reading class (8:30-9:30).  We need helpers Monday-Friday. If you are able to come in during this time please email your child’s teacher. 

During Term 2, we will be starting our take-home reading program (a letter will be coming home soon), so we will also need volunteers to help switch our books.  Each child will have a book on their reading level that they will take home each night at return to school the next morning. The parent volunteers will be responsible for taking the returned books out and putting a new book in the student’s bag.  Volunteers can come in anytime between 8:40 and 2:30 to switch these books.  The parent volunteers for the take-home reading library will be working in the faculty work room so this is a great opportunity for parents who have small children as they would be welcome to come with you.  If you are interested in helping with our take-home reading library during Term 2 please email your child’s teacher.

Our next field trip is this Friday! We are going to the Hee Haw Farms on October 19th.  We will leave at around 12:15 p.m. to be there by 12:30 p.m.  We will be returning to the school at 2:15.  At Hee Haw Farms, the children get a hay ride, there is a petting zoo, and they all get a free pumpkin, and go through a small corn maze. We will use our experience at Hee Haw farms as inspiration for our writing.  

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working on their student directed art projects using mediums such as collage, pastels, paper construction, and water color.

ASL:  Students will be learning to sign the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dance:  Students will identify their 5 senses and discover the importance of each sense. Students will experience through movement what it would be like to not have each of their 5 senses.
Health: Students will promote their knowledge and understand of eating healthy through creating nutritional posters that promote healthy eating to be hung around the school.

Math: Students will be studying measurement

Music: Rhythm and bells, lyrics and so me notes

PE: Students are working on their Presidential Fitness by running or walking laps of our school. Second Grade has already run 100 miles this school year! We hope to make it to 200 miles by Thanksgiving.

Reading: Large Group Phonics:  Long e Digraphs, Small Group Phonics: Vowels + ck and ke
Shared Reading: Poetry, Guided Reading by leveled groups, Centers (SSR, iPods, Computers, Partner reading)

Science: Students will continue their study of the human body by learning about muscles.

Social Studies: Students will continue their study of Utah.

Spanish: Students will finish their study of the Spanish colors and take a quiz to test their knowledge of the colors.

Writing: Students will be learning the penmanship of lowercase “c,a,g”. Students will continue their study of PENSMARK, a self-regulating strategy developed to teach sentence fundamentals: capital letters, end marks, making sense, simple sentence formulas, and subject/ verb identification. Everyone has mastered the three requirements of a complete sentence set A-H.  We are starting a new set this week on identifying subject nouns and verbs!  During composition time students will continue to  learn about word choice and begin rough drafts of their next narrative.

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