Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 5

Welcome to week five! This week’s theme is "Hello, Autumn."

The second graders had lots of fun on our field trip to the BYU Planetarium last Friday!  It was a great opportunity for our class to reinforce what they have been learning in Science with an out- of-classroom experience.

This Tuesday and Wednesday are Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please sign up through your compass account.  If you are having difficulty signing up or need to schedule an alternate time to meet, please email your child’s teacher.  The students are very excited for you to see their work portfolios!

Students should be bringing home their school pictures today. For those who missed picture day or are unhappy with their child’s picture, picture make-up day will be on Friday, October 5th.  Your students should have brought home a picture make-up order form last week.  If your student needs a new form, please email your child’s teacher.

Congratulations Quail Run! Our school was named “Cool School of the Week.” On Wednesday, September 26, Fox 13 News will be coming to Quail Run to film our school for their weekly “Cool School” segment.  This is an exciting opportunity for our school, and we want Quail Run to shine! Please ensure that you student comes to school looking especially neat and in uniform on this day! Prepare your child for the possibility of being interviewed, and talk to your child about the Levels of Behavior A-D.  Remind them to be on their best behavior to help with the enrollment drive!

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working on TAB art with Mrs. Argyle.
ASL:  Students will be learning to sign the Pledge of Allegience with Mrs. Slade.
Dance: Movement and Shapes with Mrs. Byrd.
Health: Nutrition and healthy choices with Mrs. Byrd
Math: Comparing numbers and using number lines with Mrs. Clawson.
Music: Melodic So Me patterns and writing original lyrics to commonly known melodies with Mrs. Mitzie.
PE: Students will learn the five elements of physical fitness and begin graphing fitness skills.  Student are working toward a goal of walking at least one mile per week and a class goal of  100 miles by Christmas.  We will calculate how many times around the school equals one mile with Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Piacenti.
Reading: Students are finishing up the DIBELS testing this week. They will continue to work on Large Group Phonics: Digraph /ph/ Small Group Phonics: Long Vowels (Open- y) Shared Reading: Silly Stories “Hippos,” Guided Reading by leveled groups, Centers (SSR, iPods, Computers, Partner reading) with Mrs. Maples, Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Piacenti.
Science: Students will continue their study of astronomy with Mrs. Bates.
Social Studies: Students will finish up their study of communities and present a special community map for parents to see with Mrs. Nielson.
Spanish: The colors with Mrs. Piacenti.
Writing: Students will be learning the penmanship of Capital Partners (Cc, Oo, Ss, Vv, Ww) and composition with Mrs. Piacenti. During composition time students will be working on final drafts of the narrative they were working on last week. With Mrs. Slade, students will continue their study of PENSMARK, a self-regulating strategy developed to teach sentence fundamentals: capital letters, end marks, making sense, five simple sentence formulas, and subject and verb identification.

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