Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 25

Welcome to week twenty-five! This week’s theme is: Be Mine!

On Thursday, February 14th, we will be having a Valentine’s Day Celebration from 12:15-12:45.  If your students would like to hand out Valentine’s Day cards during this time, they are welcome to. If students choose to bring cards, they must bring a card for every student in the 2nd grade (see list that was sent home previously).  Please do not send candy, fruit snacks or other food items with your child’s Valentines.  Small favors such as stickers, tattoos, etc. are fine.  Bringing Valentine’s Day cards to school is completely optional and children who do not bring Valentine’s Day cards will still participate in our celebration.

Starting on Monday, February 8th through Friday, March 8th, our school will be having a Box Tops and Labels for Education contest.  Students will bring in Box Tops and Labels for Education to their teacher.  At the end of each week of the contest, the class who brought in the most Box Tops and Labels per capita will receive 15 minutes of free time or extra recess.  At the end of the 4 week contest period, the class who collected the most Box Tops and Labels For Education will earn a uniform free day.   Box Tops and Labels for Education allow us to earn money for our school to use on supplies.  You can find Box Tops and Labels for Education on various grocery products such as: Campbell’s Soup, Betty Crocker, Spaghetti O’s, Real Simple, Dannon, V8 and many others.

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working on their student directed art projects using mediums such as collage, pastels, paper construction, and water color. Both classes have earned a special clay day for cleaning up quickly.

ASL:  Valentine’s Day signs.

Dance:  Students will continue studying the different types of movement.

Health: Hygiene. 

Math: Students will begin learning two digit subtraction.

Music: Drum beats, recognition and names of notes on the staff- Children are learning FACE and Every Good Boy Does Fine mnemonics to help remember names of notes.

PE: Various games in the gym

Reading: Large Group Phonics: Long Vowel Review, Small Group Phonics: Vowel Combinations: oo, Shared Reading: Amazing Animals “Ant,” Guided Reading by leveled groups, Centers (SSR, iPods, Computers, Partner reading

Science: Students will finish up their study of physical changes and begin studying electricity.

Social Studies: Students will study climate
Spanish: Students will begin studying the Spanish vocabulary for animals.

  • Writing: Hand writing with Mrs. P: This week will be learning the penmanship of cursive “g”
  • Composition with Mrs. P: This week we will practice writing our opinions with three supporting reasons by writing about our favorite winter activities.
  • Spelling: Students are grouped by levels and engage in Words Their Way sorting activities.  Students sort words into categories by sounds patterns according to their present level of functioning.  We finished our MOY (middle of year) assessment. Those who were absent need to make this up while the others continue to work on their new sorts for the week.

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