Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 6

Welcome to week six! This week’s theme is: Apple Week.

On Wednesday, September 26th , Fox 13 News will be coming to Quail Run to film our school for their weekly “Cool School” segment with Big Buddha.  Second grade students will have an opportunity to appear on the news in a segment featuring our dance class.  Students who wish to dance in this segment need to be at the school at 6:15 a.m.  The segment will be filmed and broadcast live at 6:47 a.m. We know this is very early, but we would love to see some of our second graders there!

Students brought home their pictures last week. For those who missed picture day or are unhappy their child’s picture, picture make-up day will be on Friday, October 5th.  Your students should have brought home a picture make-up order form home.  If your student needs a new form please email your child’s teacher.

Students will be bringing home their ID badges today.  ID badges are part of our school uniform so please ensure that your student brings his or her badge to school everyday.

Our school is collecting Box Tops!  If you have any Box Tops at home please send them to school with your student.

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working their student directed art projects.
ASL:  Students will be learning to sign the names of their family members.
Dance: What patterns can our bodies perform? Students will be introduced to the various patterns the body performs naturally. Students will identify with the following body pattern terms: body-half, upper/lower, and cross-lateral.
Health: Are the meals I am eating nutritious? Students will analyze the school lunch menu and determine if the meals they are being fed here at school are nutritious and then sort the foods on the school menu into the proper food groups. Students will create personal daily menus that include all food groups.
Math: Comparing numbers and using number lines.
Music: Rhythm and music genres
PE: Students are working on their Presidential Fitness by running or walking laps of our school.  Our second grade hopes to earn 100 miles by Christmas.
Reading: "Large Group Phonics: Digraphs–ck, -ng, Small Group Phonics: Long Vowels (a, o), Shared Reading: Nature Walk “Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night,” Guided Reading by leveled groups, Centers (SSR, iPods, Computers, Partner reading)
Science: Students will begin their study of the human body.
Social Studies: Students will finish up their study of communities.
Spanish: Students will continue their study of the colors.
Writing: Students will be learning the penmanship of lowercase t. Students will continue their study of PENSMARK, a self-regulating strategy developed to teach sentence fundamentals: capital letters, end marks, making sense, simple sentence formulas, and subject and verb identification.  During composition time students will be working on using sequencing words in their writing.

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