Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 37

Welcome to week thirty-seven! This week’s theme is: Somewhere Over the Rainbow!


Last Day of School: The last day of school is Friday, May 24th.  School will release at 10:00 am.

DIBLES Reading Testing: We are finishing our end of the year DIBLES tests this week.  These tests are required by the state of Utah.  It is important that your child is at school so they can complete this test.  The DIBLES test is administered to each child one at a time.  They read three stories for 1 min each.  They then tell the teacher what they remember about each story.  I will send home your child’s scores as soon as testing is completed.

Take Home Reading Book Bags: Please return your child’s take home reading bag to school once you have finished reading their last book.  We need to have all bags returned by the end of the year. I will be sending emails to those students that still need to return their bags in the coming week.

Library Books: Please ensure that your students return their library books to school before the end of the year.

Walkathon: Our class had lots of fun at the walkathon on Friday!  We raised over 800 dollars for our school.  We have earned a banana split party for working so hard.  Great job second grade!

Spelling Words: Check the spelling section of our blog for this week’s spelling words to practice at home.

Here is a look at what we are learning this week:

Art: Students will continue working on their student directed art projects using mediums such as collage, pastels, paper construction, and water color. We are working together as a class to earn a clay day for cleaning quickly.

ASL:  This week we will learn how to sign the shapes in ASL.

Dance:  Students will continue studying the different types of movement. 

Health: Safety

Math: We will study partitioning rectangles and review topics we have covered earlier in the year.  

Music: In music we will be learning about rhythm.

PE: Various games outside and in the gym.  

Reading: In reading we will be having guided reading with our leveled books, phonics lessons and fluency practice.

Science: Students will continue to study weather.

Social Studies: Students will continue to study regions of the United States.

Spanish: No Spanish this week, we will focus on ASL.

·                    Composition: We will keep working on the chapter books we have been writing.  Student must have their first chapter book finished by this Friday.

·        Spelling:  The list of words we are learning this week focuses on words with “ow” making the long o sound as in the word “slow.”
1.       Tow                                                      
2.       Bow
3.       Slow
4.       Crow
5.       Glow
6.       Fellow
7.       Mellow
8.       Yellow
9.       Know
10.   Arrow
11.   Flow
12.   Bellow
13.   Snow
14.   Blow
15.   Borrow

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